Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What is this "inflammation" I keep hearing about?

Inflammation is a natural process in the body to heal and get rid of unwanted invaders. It is beneficial to our body however in our society we tend to be chronically over inflamed; this is the path to many chronic diseases. Inflammation is characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain due to the rush of blood cells to the area. The “-itis” suffix diagnosis that your doctor may have given you, such as bronchitis, arthritis, tonsillitis etc. are all fancier sounding names for inflammation of that specific area.

Inflammation is caused by a number of things, many which we can control and some which we cannot. Pollutants in our air, food, water, and buildings enter our body and lead to inflammation. Stress on the body such as injury, lack of sleep or exercise, and emotion management cause inflammation.  An imbalance of essential fatty acids, namely omega 3 & 6 leads to inflammation; this is common in our society as we do not get enough omega 3 fatty acids. Alchohol, processed foods, and certain, personal ‘problem foods’ can also lead to inflammation.
Numerous chronic diseases are shown to be linked to chronic high levels of inflammation. These include, but are not limited to, cancer, diabetes, depression, asthma, arthritis, allergies, obesity, and heart disease.

There are some simple diet adjustments that will help you avoid or at least better control levels of inflammation. Increase your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids compared to Omega 6 (we get plenty of Omega 6 no problem). Avoid highly processed and refined foods, as they are unfamiliar to the body, causing inflammation. There are also many foods that may or may not cause you personally to have inflammation but are general ‘problem foods’ that many people have allergies or sensitivity to. These include: dairy, shellfish, nuts, eggs, corn, wheat, beef, chicken, pork, tomatoes, onions, chocolate, caffeine, alchohol, citrus, apples, bananas, and smoke (first or second hand). This list seems daunting, and only you can know exactly what is going on in your body, so it is important to note how you feel after eating ‘problem foods’ to further understand what your body needs. 

Switching to a whole foods diet that is mostly plant based will greatly reduce inflammation. Top inflammation fighting foods include cruciferous veggies, leafy greens, legumes, citrus (if it is not a ‘problem food’ for you), berries, whole grains, foods high in beta-carotene (carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato..), garlic, turmeric, ginger, and fermented foods. Sunshine is also a great combatant to inflammation, so get out in the sun, eat some veggies, and stop chronic inflammation in its tracks!

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